Other Training
Harassment Prevention Training
In recent years, the motion picture industry Producers and various industry unions and guilds have agreed to make harassment prevention training mandatory for individuals working under their collective bargaining agreements and for placement on the Industry Experience Roster. Contract Services’ Harassment Prevention training course meets the standards of California, New York and federal law and helps to promote a safe and respectful work environment for production crews while reducing the number of incidents to which employers must respond. Click here for more information.
Firearms Safety Training
Contract Services offers two firearms safety training courses: the S course and the S2 course. The S course (Firearm Safety for the Entertainment Industry) is for employees responsible for handling firearms on set, and the S2 course (Firearms General Safety Awareness for the Entertainment Industry) is for employees working in proximity to firearms on set. Click here for more information.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Training (RCAN)
The RCAN course provides an overview of the responsibilities of individuals who, depending on their job duties, may be required under California law to identify and report suspected child abuse and neglect. Click here for more information.
Hours of Service
Contract Services is now providing Hours of Service training, which is required for certain Local #399 classifications. This 2-hour online course covers the Hours of Service requirements under Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Topics include the definitions of on-duty and off-duty time, understanding hour limits for each rule set, daily log components and examples, and common errors when filling in driver logs. Click here for more information.
Apprenticeship Programs
As it has since 1965, Contract Services also funds apprenticeship programs established by collective bargaining agreements between producers and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #40. Click here for more information.
Training Access for PEIs
Under the 2021 Producer–IATSE Basic Agreement, the Producers and the IATSE agreed to establish training requirements for “Prior-Experienced Individuals” (PEIs) who may be assigned to work on a production. Click here for more information.
COVID-19 Prevention Training
The COVID-19 Prevention Training Course (C19) was developed for the motion picture production workforce to provide general health and safety guidelines to help minimize the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. Click here for more information.