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effort to serve the motion picture and television industry, Contract Servic-
es maintains the Form I-9 information for individuals listed on the Industry
Experience Roster. Industry employers have the option to use this information
in fulfilling their Form I-9 obligations, relieving the individual of the responsibil-
ity of completing a separate form for each employer.

In 2016, we performed 10,622 Form I-9 verifications.

Teachers Availability and Dual Credential Substitute Lists

Due to an agreement between the Producers and the IATSE Local #884 –
Motion Picture Studio Teachers & Welfare Workers, Contract Services main-
tains and administers the Teachers Availability List (TAL), which includes the
names of those qualified to serve as Studio Teachers on motion picture and
television productions.

We also administer the Dual Credential Substitute List (DCSL), which in-
cludes individuals who have the same State of California teaching creden-
tials and supporting documentation as those needed for presence on the
TAL but not the work experience and training within the motion picture and
television industry.

As of 2016, Contract Services performs background checks of each individual
on the TAL and DCSL no less than annually and prior to each new placement.
We also perform quarterly California Teaching Credential checks of each indi-
vidual on the TAL and DCSL.

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