P. 10

“ Our industry’s craftspeople         “

know how to make amazing things
happen on set. From scaffold erection
and dismantling, to welding and
cutting, to firearm safety, the magic
of the entertainment industry relies
on a wide spectrum of specialized
skills. The Safety Pass program trains
industry workers to do their jobs
safely for the benefit of cast, crew
and everyone working
on a production.

— Jason Schomas,
  Safety Pass

                                         SAFETY PASS PROGRAM

                                         Our widely recognized Safety Pass program ensures that workers meet indus-
                                         try safety standards as well as stringent regulations set by the Occupational
                                         Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Cal/OSHA and other government
                                         agencies. We consider it a serious responsibility to ensure that production
                                         professionals are trained to a high and consistent standard in order to be as
                                         safe a workforce as any in the world. This function continues to grow in order
                                         to keep up with training demands throughout the industry.

                                         Contractually-mandated safety training is the single largest task Contract Ser-
                                         vices performs. We provide everything from the classroom and facility space to
                                         in-house design of course materials to development of experienced instructors
                                         from the ranks of industry veterans. This training also serves as the foundation
                                         for additional employer-led training.

                                         Course offerings have grown from 21 courses in 2003 to 32 courses in 2016,
                                         with another five in development. Topics include general safety, hazard com-
                                         munications, lighting safety, and respiratory protection, while our hands-on
                                         training courses teach fall protection, forklift operation, excavation and trench-
                                         ing, cribbing and rigging, and much more.

                                         In 2016, we provided 78,339 hours of safety training – up nearly a third
                                         from the previous year, and the most hours in over a decade. Total annual

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